We welcome you to Coverflex! Here you can find all the useful information for using our meal vouchers.
You will be able to start using your meal vouchers after logging in to your Coverflex profile for the first time, and after the company has loaded the vouchers onto your account.
We recommend downloading the Coverflex app on your smartphone to receive a notification every time the company tops up your meal vouchers and to keep your expenses and budget under control.
In order to use Coverflex meal vouchers and pay in a single transaction, you must add personal credits to your account. To do this, simply access your user profile from the app or desktop, go to the "Buoni pasto" section and click on "Add credits".
Here you can choose how much to charge and enter the card details you want to use to top up. Remember that if you have Fringe on your Coverflex card, you can also add credits by entering the data from the Coverflex voucher card!
Our network is constantly expanding! For the moment, you can pay with Coverflex meal vouchers in more than 30,000 points of sale throughout Italy. You can find them all on our map, marked with a colored dot: https://my.coverflex.com/meal-network
If a point of sale does NOT appear coloured, there are two options:
• if you have Fringe benefits available, you can pay with Coverflex!
• if you DO NOT have Fringe benefits available, for the moment you will NOT be able to pay at that point of sale.
If you don't have active Fringe benefits, you can always tell us the stores you would like to add to our network. To do so, contact us at aiuto@coverflex.com indicating your point of sale and address: if possible, we will contact them to ask if they want to join our network!
Generally speaking, these are the rules for paying with meal vouchers:
• You can use up to 8 meal vouchers per single transaction;
• Make sure you have at least one meal voucher available;
• Make sure you have enough personal credits to complete the purchase.
• Make sure you only buy food items. If you add other types of products to your spending, you will have to use personal credits.
To make payment with Coverflex meal vouchers, you need to pay attention to the type of business in which you want to use them.
If you intend to pay with meal vouchers at a supermarket chain that is part of our network, the correct formula to pronounce at the checkout is "I pay with Coverflex".
If you want to spend your meal vouchers at a bar, a grocery store or a restaurant that is not part of a chain, you can say "I pay with VISA" at the cash desk. The payment will work, it will be recorded as a normal VISA debit card payment. Always remember to have enough personal credit to cover the entire bill.
If something goes wrong, don't hesitate to contact us directly via chat or via email at help@coverflex.com, we are available!