In the Coverflex Welfare plan, at the moment, you can find:
- Fringe, benefits that provide your employees with a maximum tax-free annual expense of € 258.23 (which becomes € 3.000 for employees with kids) and can be used for all categories envisaged by legislation in e-commerce and shops;
- Recreational, benefits that have the only spending limit of the employee available budget and can be used for travel, gym memberships, museum admissions and many other activities dedicated to physical and mental well-being;
- Public transport, which allows your employees to claim reimbursement of public transport expenses, for them or their family;
- Education, to allow your employees to request reimbursements for education expenses, for them and their family;
- Family assistance, with which employees can request reimbursements for health care services for members of their family, over 75 or who are not self-sufficient.