Welfare: Ensure you have sufficient balance to cover the transaction amount requested by the merchant. Remember, you can always check your balance in your Coverflex app. If it's a fringe transaction, you can also check your annual fringe limit. Make sure the transaction you're conducting is for goods included in the welfare categories activated for your company.
Buoni Pasto: Ensure you can cover the transaction amount. Remember, it's not possible to use one buono pasto partially, and you can use up to 8 "buoni pasto" for a transaction (legal limits). Therefore, you can cover the difference with personal credits.
For example, for a purchase of 100€, you can only use 8 "buoni pasto" (even if you have more than 8), which means the maximum will be 64€. For the rest, you should have charged enough personal credits, in this case, 36€. We remind you that it's not possible to pay with buoni pasto an amount less than one buono pasto.
We also remind you that, in supermarkets, with "buoni pasto" you can only buy groceries mapped by the supermarket. Other goods can be paid (in the same transaction) with personal credits.
I could not make a payment with the Coverflex card. What could have happened?

Edoardo Celestino